Butterfly Clipart Borders

Butterfly Clipart Borders
Butterfly Clipart Borders

A butterfly of course starts life as a caterpillar and goes through a major change as it becomes a butterfly. It makes a chrysalis or cocoon and then emerges as a beautiful butterfly. This lead many ancient cultures to regard the butterfly as a symbol of the impermanence and instability of earthly life. The amazing process of change from a caterpillar to a butterfly also captivated many ancient cultures that believed this was similar to the process of a soul's journey from an earthly body to a heavenly body. In fact the ancient Greeks often symbolized the human soul or psyche with butterfly wings in art.

Butterfly Clipart Borders

Butterfly symbolize freedom, prosperity, transformation, happiness, good luck, gracefulness, and beauty. In the culture of the Chinese, the symbol represented by two butterflies which are flying together means love. Once the essential and important representations of the butterfly is combined with the intricate design and outstanding color, you will get the best butterfly designs.

Butterfly Clipart Borders

Butterfly Clipart Borders

Butterfly Clipart Borders

Butterfly Clipart Borders

Butterfly Clipart Borders

Butterfly Clipart Borders
Butterfly Clipart Borders


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