Native American Clip Art
The American Indian has long been known for their earth based wisdom, natural life style, and their belief in the connections all things have, that make us brothers before Creator.

In a very special way, Native Americans maintain that our connections to the earth and to all things that are involved in its present form... stretches well beyond a simple determination of which things are animate and which things are not. Their reference, while in many different languages and tongues, comes down to the simple concept of what they phrase as "all my relations". The western world sees "relations" as blood relatives; like brothers, sister, aunts, uncles, and cousins... Native Americana sees "relations" as any member of what they call the Sacred Hoop. Literally speaking... they mean that if it exists on this planet, in any form, it is endowed with a distinct but hidden relationship to every other thing that exists here too. There is no special distinction between things that breathe and things that do not... nor is there any special treatment for things that are animate verses things that are not.. All are equal in the eyes of the Master of Life.
Native American Clip Art
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