Clip Art Girl Swimming

Clip Art Girl Swimming
Clip Art Girl Swimming

The aquatic sport of swimming is based on the human act of swimming, that is, locomotion in water by self propulsion, with the goal of completing a given distance in the shortest amount of time. There are also swimming competitions for endurance or precedence rather than speed, such as crossing the English Channel or some other stretch of open water. Swimming is distinguished from other aquatic sports (such as diving, synchronized swimming, and water polo) that involve swimming but the goal is neither speed nor endurance.

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Competitive swimming consist of four strokes: butterfly, breaststroke, freestyle (or front crawl), and backstroke. When all four strokes are done during a race, it is called medley swimming (otherwise known as the individual medley, or I.M.).

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Swimming Pool Injuries Can Happen To Anyone
By James Witherspoon - Ezinearticles

The numbers regarding drowning and other pool injuries are shocking. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that nearly 10 unintentional cases of drowning occur every day in the US. This astounding number gives a person pause when considering their actions around a pool. Unfortunately, drowning is not the only injury that can occur at the pool. Swimming pool injuries cover a broad range of incidents that every swimmer, parent, and child should be aware of in order to prevent being a victim of a swimming pool injury.

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Though drowning may be the most notorious injury related to pools and bodies of water, there are many other common circumstances that can contribute to a serious injury. Because of the presence of water, slip and fall accidents can easily occur around a pool. Water on the surface around a pool can turn an enjoyable environment into a dangerous situation if a person can not maintain his or her balance. Property owners need to consider the condition of their poolside surface both wet and dry. Certain surfaces, like tile, may not provide adequate traction for a wet poolside environment, causing dangerous slip and fall situations.

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Also, chemicals used to maintain pools can keep a pool sparkling clean, but if those chemicals are not properly applied or maintained, they can quickly lead to a dangerous situation for swimmers. The chemical used to keep a pool clean are strong and can cause painful and damaging harm if they are ingested in high volumes. Ingesting pool water is not always avoidable, especially if a swimmer is struggling in the water. Keeping pool chemicals balanced is crucial to ensure the safety of all swimmers.

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Drowning does occur in pools and often occurs to young children. Proper supervision of swimmers, whether child or adult can be a large factor in the safety of a swimmer. If proper supervision is lacking, dangerous situations can arise without anyone knowing. This frightening threat is very real in poolside environments. Pool injuries, whether big or small can be a traumatic experience for anyone.

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Clip Art Girl Swimming


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