Clip Art Clock

Clip Art Clock
Clip Art Clock

When it comes to a clock it is important to understand the symbolism of the piece. A clock measures the passage of time. A clock is constantly recording time, keeping tally of what is essentially an invisible force and then displaying it in a prominent visual manner. In this way the clock is almost a magical device, illuminating that which would otherwise be hidden in obscurity.

The flow of time is a natural process, yet the act of recording and displaying it is quite unnatural, and it actually serves to disrupt the natural temporal movement in a space. If you notice clocks movements you will see that the hands tick in time with seconds. These seconds are discrete divisions of time which are completely man made, and are used to allow us to grasp the concept of time in a logical, representational, and scientific way. However time is not actually divided, instead it is one long constantly flowing mass, moving in a steady never changing path.

Clip Art Clock

Clip Art Clock

Clip Art Clock

Clip Art Clock

Clip Art Clock

Clip Art Clock

Clip Art Clock
Clip Art Clock


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