Stick People Clip Art

Stick People Clip Art
Stick People Clip Art

Figure drawings begin with a stick figure, a skeleton of sorts that will hold all components of the composition in the subsequent stages. An important factor of this stick figure is the action line, which will take up most of the figure's body: from the neck to a single foot. It is an uncomplicated and sweeping line that will crucially determine the pose of the figure.

Stick People Clip Art

A stick figure is a very simple type of drawing made of lines and dots, often of the human form or other animals. In a stick figure, the head is represented by a circle, sometimes embellished with details such as eyes, mouth or crudely scratched-out hair. The arms, legs and torso are all represented by straight lines. There has been much debate about whether stick figures should have necks and this varies from artist to artist. However the general consensus is that stick figures do not require necks.

Stick People Clip Art

Stick People Clip Art

Stick People Clip Art

Stick People Clip Art

Stick People Clip Art

Stick People Clip Art

Stick People Clip Art
Stick People Clip Art


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