Clip Art Frog

Clip Art Frog
Clip Art Frog

Frogs are amphibians in the order Anura (meaning "tail-less", from Greek an-, without + oura, tail), formerly referred to as Salientia (Latin salere (salio), "to jump"). Most frogs are characterized by a short body, webbed digits (fingers or toes), protruding eyes and the absence of a tail. Frogs are widely known as exceptional jumpers, and many of the anatomical characteristics of frogs, particularly their long, powerful legs, are adaptations to improve jumping performance. Due to their permeable skin, frogs are often semi-aquatic or inhabit humid areas, but move easily on land. They typically lay their eggs in puddles, ponds or lakes, and their larvae, called tadpoles, have gills and develop in water. Adult frogs follow a carnivorous diet, mostly of arthropods, annelids and gastropods. Frogs are most noticeable by their call, which can be widely heard during the night or day, mainly in their mating season.

Clip Art Frog

Feng Shui Money Frog - The Wealth Enhancer
By Sylvia Blach - Ezinearticles

The Feng Shui money frog better known as "Chan Chu" in Chinese is a three legged toad and is one of the most auspicious money-making symbols in Feng Shui. This is a mythical creature which is said to emerge near all those homes that will be receiving good news pertaining to monetary gain and increased wealth on every full moon. The basic purpose of the money frog is to attract abundance and wealth and can be often found near the cash registers, on the manager's desk, receptions and offices in most of the Oriental countries.

Clip Art Frog

The money frog has been named such because of its physical type as it bears the pakua (the baby) on the back just below the crown. The symbolic meaning of the frog is wealth and that of the pakua is protection, and as such, this mythical creature - the king money frog represents the unison of the best of both these aspects in the lives of people who have them in their homes. The money frog would not only bring in wealth to your home but would also protect it.

Clip Art Frog

The Money Frog is usually shown sitting on a bed of treasures made up of gold ingots, jewels and coins and holding coin in the mouth. Money Frog is one such Feng Shui product that brings in luck and wealth for the family's patriarch. The Money Frog can always be found to be biting on two coin strings and having 7 dots on the back that depicts the Ursa Major; the 7 stars of the Great North Pole. This Feng Shui item is a must for people who would like to multiply their assets.

Clip Art Frog

Apart from wealth attraction and protection, the money frog also helps in preventing bad luck that might led to monetary problems. If you have been facing financial problems for a considerable period of time or you have been spending a lot for no good cause, you can have one of these money frogs in your home to prevent it. As the money frog is believed to have unique symbolism and potency, it can help in resolving almost every monetary issue that we face in our day-to-day life.

Clip Art Frog

The money frog, often referred to as the king money frog, must be placed in one's living room or the main business room, specifically at the diagonally opposite corner of the door of entrance. The corners are the most suited pace for the chi (ancient concepts of the Chinese that teaches the constant flow of energy symbolizing health, positivity and prosperity) to concentrate. That is why this Feng Shui cure is unique and has great value. There are many more Feng Shui remedies and Feng Shui enhancers that can be used for various purposes - health, wealth, peace, love etc. You can find what you want at your nearest Feng Shui Store or you can also avail these Feng Shui products online. The choice is yours.

Clip Art Frog
Clip Art Frog

Clip Art Giraffe

Clip Art Giraffe

Clip Art Giraffe

Found mostly in Central, Eastern, and Southern African grasslands, giraffe or Giraffa camelopardalis, as it is scientifically known, is the tallest land animal. Its height varies between thirteen to eighteen feet and it weighs anything between 1,800 lbs - 2,600 lbs. In spite of a significantly long neck, the giraffe, like any other mammal has a seven vertebrae neck. It also has the longest tail in mammals, almost eight feet in length. The giraffe is an herbivore and feeds primarily on Acacia, Commiphora, and Terminalia trees along with climbers and vines.

Clip Art Giraffe

Clip Art Giraffe

Clip Art Giraffe

Clip Art Giraffe

Clip Art Giraffe
Clip Art Giraffe

Clip Art Gallery

Clip Art Gallery
Clip Art Gallery

A catchall term for several types of non-photographic graphic images, the term clip art comes from the books of graphic images (such as those from Dover Arts) once used as a graphics source. Users would cut out or clip the desired artwork from the book to place into layouts. Later, it was common to scan the images from the books.

Clip Art Gallery

Today, clip art comes on CD-ROM or can be downloaded from the Web. Clip art comes in many styles and can be used as-is or as a starting point for creating custom illustrations and logos. Some clip art is public domain, meaning there are no copyright restrictions.
However, most clip art, even when available free on the Internet, carries some type of copyright that may limit the ways it can be used. Electronic clip art comes in both bitmap and vector formats.

Clip art may be produced using traditional drawing methods or created on the computer. Sometimes photographic images are lumped under the heading of clip art.

Clip Art Gallery

Clip Art Gallery

Clip Art Gallery

Clip Art Gallery

Clip Art Gallery
Clip Art Gallery

Pregnant Women Clip Art

Pregnant Women Clip Art
Pregnant Women Clip Art

Pregnancy is the carrying of one or more offspring, known as a fetus or embryo, inside the womb of a female. In a pregnancy, there can be multiple gestations, as in the case of twins or triplets. Human pregnancy is the most studied of all mammalian pregnancies. Childbirth usually occurs about 38 weeks after conception; i.e., approximately 40 weeks from the last normal menstrual period (LNMP) in humans. The World Health Organization defines normal term for delivery as between 37 weeks and 42 weeks.

Pregnant Women Clip Art

Pregnant Women Clip Art

Pregnant Women Clip Art

Pregnant Women Clip Art

Pregnant Women Clip Art

Pregnant Women Clip Art

Pregnant Women Clip Art
Pregnant Women Clip Art

Public Domain Clip Art

Public Domain Clip Art
Public Domain Clip Art

What exactly is the public domain and how on earth could you ever profit from it? Generally, when an individual writes a book, pens a poem or creates anything from their imagination they have intellectual rights to that idea or thought.

Over time, however these rights expire and items move into what is known as the public domain. There is a whole area of law dedicated to what is known as intellectual property; which includes these books, images, patents and trademarks, but you can use these public domain secrets to make profits legally.

Public Domain Clip Art

Public Domain Clip Art

Public Domain Clip Art

Public Domain Clip Art

Public Domain Clip Art

Public Domain Clip Art

Public Domain Clip Art
Public Domain Clip Art

Clip Art Girl

Clip Art Girl
Clip Art Girl

The online baby girl images help you to design attractive invitation cards and e-greetings easily. The World Wide Web is a great storehouse of information on any subject matter (we too are aiming to contributing to this store). Nowadays, many websites (both paid and free) host baby girl images, baby boy images as well as baby shower images.

Clip art, as its name suggests, is a form of graphic art that makes use of pre-existing images. These drawings / images are either copied or physically cut from existing works in the printed format on a particular topic. The sources of these pictures are either books that have entered the public domain or books specifically published for such use. Logos, mascots, identity and business cards, invitations, letterheads, etc., can be made by cutting or copying the images. Clip art facilitates the availability of a pool of generic art that can be used and reused by non-artists.

Clip Art Girl

Clip Art Girl

Clip Art Girl

Clip Art Girl

Clip Art Girl

Clip Art Girl

Clip Art Girl
Clip Art Girl

Clip Art Mountain

Clip Art Mountain
Clip Art Mountain

Crowd Mountain is an internet marketing training course offered by Michelle McPhearson through her company Revolution Tilt. The course offers to explain how to go from nothing to becoming a successful online marketer. With diligent application of the training there is a good chance you will be able to turn a substantial income from what is taught - if you can get access to it!

Clip Art Mountain

Purchasing a mountain bike is never easy and it is both time consuming and tiresome. Nevertheless, if we keep two important things into consideration, we shall be able to buy a perfect mountain bike which will always give us a trouble free ride; first and the most important thing is sizing and second is body type and frame size.

Clip Art Mountain

Clip Art Mountain

Clip Art Mountain

Clip Art Mountain

Clip Art Mountain

Clip Art Mountain
Clip Art Mountain